Static IP vs DHCP Client

There are 3 options available when networking a DATAssure™ base station:

DHCP Client: when the network assigns IP settings automatically.

Static: when settings are manually input – see Networking a DATAssure™.

DHCP Server: when connecting directly to a PC or Laptop.

DHCP Client and Static are the most popular options used among DATAssure™ system users.


Below highlights the pros and cons of each network mode.


DHCP Client


  • Knowledge of IP configuration set up is not required as these are automatically assigned by the network.
  • Set-up time is greatly reduced.
  • No risk of connection issues through inputting incorrect network settings.
  • The network IP may be able to be allocated to the DATAssure™ permanently.


  • The network may not support auto allocation of IP data, so static mode might need to be used (forewarn your I.T. Support).
  • Your server/router can automatically re-allocate a new IP address at a later point. Any favourites saved on an internet browser will become invalid.
  • Not able to access the base station off-site. A static IP will be necessary if port-forwarding is required.


Static IP


  • The IP address is permanently allocated to the DATAssure™ and does not change.
  • A static IP can facilitate port forwarding – to access the base station remotely.


  • IP settings are needed prior to networking the base station. Your IT department/provider needs to supply these prior to installation taking place.
  • Care must be taken to ensure the IP settings are entered correctly, to prevent network installation issues.


DHCP Server


  • Simple option for initial set up (not advised for long term use).


  • Can only use in this mode when connecting the DATAssure™ base station directly to a PC/Laptop.
  • Limits alarm capabilities (not recommended to have on a PC/Laptop permanently).
  • Cannot connect the DATAssure™ to the network while in DHCP Server mode.

Either mode can be used and does not affect the system operation, business preference for the IP setup will normally dictate the mode used.

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