Integrated Laser and 40x Objective Combination

Compact, portable and unique! The ZILOS-tk® laser is integrated into the objective. The ZILOS-tk® laser-objective is attached directly to the turret of the inverted microscope, leaving both the fluorescent and filter cube ports open for normal use. The ZILOS-tk® is compatible with all current and older models of inverted microscopes. This patent pending design is unique in that all components required are contained in the single module. This allows the laser to be aligned under strictly controlled factory conditions and locked in place, so that alignment on-site is not required.

The ZILOS-tk® features a 300 mW, 1460 nm, Class 1 laser and a pulse length as low as 1 microsecond, which is far lower than typical zona ablation procedures require.

Installs on Any Inverted Microscope

Since the ZILOS-tk® laser is based on the standard objective height, it easily installs on turrets of all models of inverted microscopes, even older models. Also, the unique design of the laser allows unrestricted access to other installed objectives. And you can switch the ZILOS-tk® laser from one brand of microscope to another - without need of physical laser realignment or customization.

Hands-free Laser Firing

When working with micromanipulators, the ZILOS-tk® allows you to work in "hands-free" mode by using the optional foot switch to fire the laser. Simply use the manipulators to position the embryo to the target and press the foot switch to fire the laser. Your micromanipulation proceeds rapidly and the time the embryo spends on the microscope stage is minimized.

Caution: Federal (US) law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician or a licensed healthcare practitioner trained and certified in its use. Laser-assisted hatching and laser-assisted biopsy are not recommended for use in all IVF patients. Please Note: For animal research and human stem cell applications, the HT Research Lasers should be used.

Product description
Product code
ZILOS-tk 40X Desktop Digital FHT740002
ZILOS-tk 40X Laptop Digital FHT740004
ZILOS -tk 40X no computer Digital camera FHT740053
Upgrade ZILOS v.5 to V6 camera, Laptop FHT730253
Upgrade ZILOS v.5 to V6 camera, Desktop FHT730252
Upgrade ZILOS v.5 to V6, camera, no computer FHT730251
Case,ZILOS/XYClone 6"x9"precut FHT301158

Planer Limited

110 Windmill Road
TW16 7HD
United Kingdom

+44 1932 755000
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