Your partner in semen analysis

MICROPTIC S.L., based in Barcelona, is a world leading company in the field of semen analysis. The main goal of the business is to produce high quality products that are continuously improved, integrating the last innovative technology available.


Order Code Description
FMC-SCA-SCOPE-H-STD SCA SCOPE (Human Edition). All-in-one casa system
FMC-ED-1 SCA® Editor
FMC-VW-1 SCA® Viewer
FMC-MOT-10-02-PH Counting chambers SCA Disposable counting chambers to analyse motility, concentration and pH of semen. Optimised for duplicate analysis. 10 micron. Box of 25 slides/25 tests
FMC-MOT-10-4 Counting chambers SCA Disposable counting chambers to analyse motility and concentration of semen. 10 micron, 4 chambers. Box of 25 slides/100 tests
FMC-MOT-10-6 Counting chambers SCA Disposable counting chambers to analyse motility and concentration of semen. 10 micron, 6 chambers. Box of 25 slides/150 tests
FMC-MOT-20-2 Counting chambers SCA Disposable counting chambers to analyse motility and concentration of semen. Optimised for duplicate analysis. 20 micron. Box of 25 slides/25 tests
FMC-MOT-20-6 Counting chambers SCA Disposable counting chambers to analyse motility and concentration of semen. 20 micron, 6 chambers. Box of 25 slides/150 tests
FMC-QC-B QC-Beads (1x4ml high concentration + 1x4ml low concentration). For more than 1000 tests
FMC-MRF-SB Morphology slides SCA, pre-stained slides to analyse morphology of sperm, ready to use device. 50 tests
FMC-EUK-NEO-100 Eukitt neo special xylene free mounting medium (100 ml). To fix more than 1500 slides
FMC-VIT-BV Vitality slides SCA Eosine-Nigrosine based stain 200 tests
FMC-GC-SCD-20 GoldCyto Sperm kit for DNA Fragmentation analysis. 20 tests
FMC-LEU-SLIDES Leukocytes slides SCA Kit for detection of peroxidase positive cells in semen. Box of 50 slides/ 150 tests
FMC-VISCO-F ViscoFlux kit for minimizing the viscosity of semen samples tests (10 tests)
FMC-PBS-T PBSt Phosphate Buffered Saline tablets for simple sperm washing tests
FMC-CANROS-20 CANRos Kit to determine Reactive Oxygen Species in human semen (20 tests)
FMC-MA-CANSEP Magnetic Assembly
FMC-CANSEP-10 CANSep Sperm sorting Using Magnetic Separator tests (10 tests)
FMC-HCB1502 Electronic precision scale for volume calculation
FMC-LCB-CCDPRO63 USB barcode reader
FMC-PRNT Inkjet colour printer
FMC-PRINT-LASER Laser colour printer
FMC-QL-570 Brother label printer QL-570
FMC-DK-22214 Brother white paper continuous tape DK-22214
FMC-SM Micrometer
FMC-HEMAPREP Automated smearing
FMC-MAINT-SCASCOPE-S Annual software maintenance
FMC-MAINT-SCASCOPE-HW Hardware maintenance


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TW16 7HD
United Kingdom

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