Engineered Specifically for Farm Use. Global Low Cost Dewar with MVE Brand Quality Design and Workmanship.

MVE has carefully created a farm tank that maintains liquid nitrogen for an 8–12 week duration visit cycle. Each component has been engineered to produce a global low-cost tank while maintaining the consistent quality necessary to carry the MVE name. Statistical process controls and robotic welding and wrapping techniques allow MVE to match performance to price, while durability and function remain the same.

Principal Features

  • Engineered specifically for farm use
  • Maintains liquid nitrogen for an 8–12 week cycle
  • Advanced vacuum technology and neck joining method
  • Low liquid nitrogen consumption
  • Convenient lightweight package
  • Lockable lid
  • Pail handle (ET-2 to ET-16)
  • 2 year vacuum warranty
  • Conforms to MDD 93/42/EEC, the Medical Device Directive for the EU


MVE ET Series Features

The smaller ET Series units are distinguished by the orange flip-lid, and utilize the composite neck and steel SuperCan. The SuperCan accepts the 35mm goblet and has space for a goblet-puller. The ET 40-6 and the ET 40-10 both have black lids and 6/10 canister choice.

The ET-16 is the ideal technician tank offering a shorter but stable profile suitable for transport. The low center of gravity means it is well balanced tank when stationary. With 9 127mm canisters the ET-16 delivers additional versatility by allowing the straws to be separated for optimal inventory management.


MVE ET Series Model ET-2
ET-3 ET-3-50 ET-5 ET-7
No. of Canisters 3 6 6 6 6
No. of 1/2cc Straws (24/1.2ml cane) - - - - -
No. of 1/2cc Straws (1 Level Bulk) - - 1200 - 1866
No. of 1/2cc Straws (2 Level Bulk) - - - - -
Liquid Capacity w/o Inventory (litres) 2.2 3.6 3.15 5.0 8.4
Static Evaporation Rate (litres per day) 0.09 0.15 0.12 0.15 0.171
Static Holding Time (days) 25 24  26  33 49
Working Duration (full days) 15 14 16 19 30


MVE ET Series Model ET-11
ET-12/4-9 ET-12/4-6 ET-16 ET-20
No. of Canisters 6 9 6 9 6
No. of 1/2cc Straws (24/1.2ml cane) 1296 - - - 1296
No. of 1/2cc Straws (1 Level Bulk) 1866 2700 4914 1098 1866
No. of 1/2cc Straws (2 Level Bulk) 3732 - - - 3732
Liquid Capacity w/o Inventory (litres) 11.0 12.0 12.0 16.4 20.5
Static Evaporation Rate (litres per day) 0.174 0.2 0.2 0.17 0.115
Static Holding Time (days)  63 60 60  97  178
Working Duration (full days) 38 36 36 61 107


MVE ET Series Model ET-35
ET-40/10 ET-40/6 ET-47/10 ET-47/6
No. of Canisters 6 10 6 10 6
No. of 1/2cc Straws (24/1.2ml cane) 1296 6720 7920 6720 7920
No. of 1/2cc Straws (1 Level Bulk) 1866 8200 10068 8200 10068
No. of 1/2cc Straws (2 Level Bulk) 3732 16400 20136 16400 20136
Liquid Capacity w/o Inventory (litres) 36.0 39.0 39.0 47.7 47.7
Static Evaporation Rate (litres per day) 0.123 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40
Static Holding Time (days)  292  97.5 97.5 120  120
Working Duration (full days) 175 59 59 72 72

Planer Limited

110 Windmill Road
TW16 7HD
United Kingdom

+44 1932 755000
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