Extra Capacity (XC) Series Aluminum Dewars Provide Long Term Secure Storage with Low Liquid Nitrogen Consumption in a Convenient Lightweight Package.

Bend Don't Break™ (Patent Pending) – a redesigned top head that deforms to absorb G-force damage to the neck area and minimize the chances of product loss through mishandling and during transportation.

Semen Safe™ – a stronger composite neck that is 20% stronger than the previous design and specifically intended to minimize damage and prevent semen loss through mishandling and during transportation.

Principal Features

  • Low liquid nitrogen consumption
  • Convenient lightweight package
  • 2 year parts warranty
  • 5 year vacuum warranty
  • Conform to MDD 93/42/EEC, Medical Device Directive for the EU


XC Series for Larger Capacity Users
XC Series Model XC 20 Signature** XC 21/6 XC 22/5 XC 32/8 XC 33/22 XC 34/18
No. of Canisters 6 9 6 9 6 6
No. of 1/2cc Straws (10/cane) 660 - 2400 2520 1260 2100
No. of 1/2cc Straws (2 Level Bulk) 1680 - - - - -
No. of 1.2 & 2.0ml Vials (5/cane) 210 - 810 855 360 630
No. of Racks (25 Vials) - - - - - -
Liquid Capacity w/o Inventory (litres) 20.5 21.0 22.4 32.0 33.4 34.8
Static Evaporation Rate (litres per day) 0.09 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.14 0.18
Working Duration (full days) 142 38 40 57  154 123

** XC 20 Signature includes Bend Don't Break™ and Semen Safe™ durability features.

XC Series for Larger Capacity Users
XC Series Model XC 34/18 Plus XC 43/28 XC 47/11-6SQ XC 47/11-6 XC 47/11-10
No. of Canisters 6 6 6 sq 6 10
No. of 1/2cc Straws (10/cane) 2100 1260 - 3900+ 3200
No. of 1/2cc Straws (2 Level Bulk) - - - - -
No. of 1.2 & 2.0ml Vials (5/cane) 630 360 - 1320 1050
No. of Racks (25 Vials) - - 750 - -
Liquid Capacity w/o Inventory (litres) 67.5 42.2 47.4 47.4 47.4
Static Evaporation Rate (litres per day) 0.4 0.14 0.39 0.39 0.39
Working Duration (full days) 136 193 76 76 76

** XC 20 Signature includes Bend Don't Break™ and Semen Safe™ durability features.

Planer Limited

110 Windmill Road
TW16 7HD
United Kingdom

+44 1932 755000
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