controlled rate freezers at CellTech Pharmed

Professor Nasser Agdami
Prof Nasser Aghdami, a user of Planer freezers when he was at Iran's Royan Institute, recently helped to set up a new company Cell Tech Pharmed to meet an increasing demand for stem cell therapy. The focus on several distinct areas - systemic diseases with an underlying inflammatory and immunologic etiology, cardiac and vascular diseases, orthopaedic diseases of the knee, ankle and pelvis where cell therapy products can be locally administered, improving outcomes of bone marrow transplantation and also skin augmentation where current methods are ineffective.

Embryonic stem cells or pluripotent stem cells can differentiate into any cell in the body. Because stem cells in the umbilical cord are less developed than adult stem cells, they don't have to be "matched" as stringently to a patient's human leukocyte antigen, or HLA, type. In the USA for example more than 80,000 unrelated bone marrow and umbilical cord blood transplants have been facilitated since 1987.

Embryonic stem cells or pluripotent stem cells can differentiate into any cell in the body. Because stem cells in the umbilical cord are less developed than adult stem cells, they don't have to be "matched" as stringently to a patient's human leukocyte antigen, or HLA, type. In the USA for example more than 80,000 unrelated bone marrow and umbilical cord blood transplants have been facilitated since 1987.

Planer Kryo 360 Controlled Rate Freezer at CellTech PharmedThe new company has the technical help and financial support of Dr Aghdami's old employer, the Royan Institute, along with the commercial backing of the Barakat Pharmed Company, a large pharmaceutical holding company.  In the pharma world, quality is of course paramount - the Barakat group complies with all common pharmaceutical standards such as the FDA, WHO, EMEA. Likewise in Cell Tech Pharmed who use one of our precision slow freezers, a Kryo 360, (pictured here) for their cell freezing.


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