UEARS - Upper Egypt Assisted Reproductive ConferenceThe 4th Upper Egypt Assisted Reproductive Conference (UEARS), will take place in Cairo from the 20th – 22nd February 2019 and is aimed at gynaecologists, andrologists, embryologists, lab directors, medical field researchers and those involved in Quality Control and Total Quality Management of the ivf laboratory. 

This year, UEARS hopes to welcome over 2000 delegates and will offer a cutting-edge programme, with an international line up of speakers. UEARS’ goal is to foster innovation and collaboration and to fill the gap between science and practice.

Planer will be supporting our local distributor, Modern BioSystems. Come and see us on stand 7 to find out more about our CT37stax™ benchtop incubatorDATAssure™ laboratory wireless alarm and monitory system and our range of cryogenic freezers.

To find out more:-
UEARS - Upper Egypt Assisted Reproductive Conference
CT37stax™ benchtop incubator


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