Since Primary IVF of Australia began operations in Sydney additional labs have been established. The first was in Melbourne but now, just opened, is Brisbane. In all over 600 babies have now been born who started life in BT37 incubators at Primary IVF.

Primary IVF offers affordable but specialist IVF care; it is part of group - Primary Health Care - and so able to use an extensive network of GPs, specialists and health professionals to provide a comprehensive approach to addressing fertility issues. Services are from all three labs with radiology, pathology and day surgery procedures on site at Sydney and Melbourne .

When setting up the Primary IVF labs their Scientific Director, Rosemarie Cullinan, thought carefully about the choice of incubators. “Having had experience with the Planer controlled rate freezers in the 1990s, a reliable workhorse, I had confidence that the BT37s would be built to the same high standard. The in-built battery was also a big plus for me. Along with the sleek design that suits our state-of-the-art laboratories!”

The BT37 benchtop was developed some ten years ago. It has accurate temperature control, systems for pH stability and regulated humidity. Accuracy and control of the chamber to obtain environmental homeostasis is important in cell development, helping to ensure an embryo suffers little exposure to temperature or pH level changes.

For further information
Primary IVF
Planer BT37 benchtop incubators
Origio Planer Benchtop Incubators


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