Protecting patients, fertility centres and donor banks from the risk of errors in IVF.

IMT Matcher™ is a barcode-based electronic witnessing, labelling, scheduling, traceability, and data Insights system.

It has been specifically created for fertility centres and donor banks to help prevent errors through misidentification of patients and their gametes and embryos.

Unlike other systems, Matcher™ is simple to install with no equipment modifications required – the Benchtop Matcher™ is simply placed in the work area and the handheld Pocket Matcher™ is portable anywhere within the centre.


IMT Matcher™ helps to protect fertility centres and donor banks from the risks of errors in IVF and to continually streamline fertility centre processes, saving valuable staff time and money, inspiring confidence, peace of mind and well-being for management, staff and patients.

  • Helps prevent errors in fertility centres.
  • Reduces staff time and work-load.
  • Safeguards with proof at every step.
  • Provides insights for continual improvement.

Matcher is a software system which runs on tablet PCs and uses Benchtop Matcher devices and Pocket Matcher handheld Android Wi-Fi devices, together with label sheet printers, bespoke labels and optional biometric fingerprint readers.

  • Benchtop Matcher - Benchtop Matcher readers are fast, scanning proactively as you work, and ideal where space is limited.
  • Pocket Matcher - Pocket Matcher readers are portable, connected to Wi-Fi with a simple, easy to use interface.


What do they capture?

Matcher integrates with all EMR systems (e.g. Artisan, IDEAS, MedITEX, MediFirst, BabySentry, Genie, HiX) and custom systems hosted on databases such as Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, Filemaker etc. Matcher has a web-based API for easy 3rd party integration or can use ODBC, HL7 or Mirth Connect. The hardware can be supplied with the system, at no capital cost, and the install is quick and easy with our dedicated expert technical support team, on-hand 24/7.

Planer Limited

110 Windmill Road
TW16 7HD
United Kingdom

+44 1932 755000
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