Society for Low Temperature Biology Meeting - Prague, 2018

Planer recently supported the 2018 Society for Low Temperature Biology meeting which took place at the Crop Research Institute, Prague, Czech Republic on the 6th and 7th September 2018.

Society for Low Temperature Biology Prague 2018The meeting was attended by international experts in cryopreservation from a large variety of different fields including human biology, research and plant cryopreservation. The presentations introduced the latest work on cryopreservation techniques relating to a wide range of topics. Of particular interest during the meeting were two reports, one on the impact of EU legislation on cryopreservation technologies and then a summary of the inaugural meeting of a working group looking into transportation and storage of cells and tissue at sub normothermic temperatures. Amongst a varied and interesting program there were also a couple of updates from the teams in Belgium and Spain trying to improve the outcomes from cryopreservation of ovarian tissue which has led to over 130 births worldwide using slow frozen ovarian tissue samples.

The event included a conference dinner held at the Museum of Agriculture followed by a guided tour of Prague on a traditional tram.

The Society for Low Temperature Biology (SLTB) was founded in 1964 with the purpose of promoting research into the effects of low temperatures on all types of organisms and their constituent cells, tissues and organs. Such studies have applications in diverse scientific fields, from biology and medicine to engineering, conservation and environmental science. 

For further information
Society for Low Temperature Biology (SLTB)

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