The Cellbox incubator is a live cell shipper, designed for the safe transport of oocytes, live cell cultures, tissue and other cell-based samples around the world. Optimal incubation conditions can be maintained throughout the journey, with temperature and CO2 able to be adjusted as required.

Cellbox is a portable CO2 incubator suitable for air and ground transport, and is designed for the movement of ooctyes and other cell-based materials under lab-like conditions.

The self sustaining live cell shipper, with its controlled environment, regulates the CO2 environment and maintains the temperature throughout its journey.

Cellbox is particularly appropriate for the transport of oocytes. Once retrieved from the body fluid, the occytes can be transferred into buffered cell culture media, placed into the Cellbox incubator and transported to the IVF laboratory, whether this is by road or by air.

  • Suitable for oocyte transport
  • International flight allowance
  • IATA compliant
  • Regulates CO2 and temperature
  • Constant data logging via Cellbox app
  • Rechargeable battery

Cellbox live cell shipper

The Cellbox self sustaining incubator reduces the risk of changing the biological structure of cells during transport helping protect your oocytes, cell cultures, tissues and other cell-based samples.

Regulated CO2 environment
Maintains temperature between RT and 37 oC
Holds temperature for up to 24 hours with 20 oC ambient temperature
Temperature resolution in increments of 0.1 oC
Constant data logging and export via the Cellbox app
Suitable for multiwell plates, t-flasks, chip formats etc.
540 mm (L) x 370 mm (W) x 335 mm (H)
Total Cellbox weight: 18 kg
Robust and shock resistant
Rechargeable battery with integrated 100 - 230 V power supply
Fulfillment of logistics standard UN3373
Classification UN3481
International flight allowance under packing instruction Pl967, Section II

Planer Limited

110 Windmill Road
TW16 7HD
United Kingdom

+44 1932 755000
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