Easy to use management software for Planer BT37 and CT37stax™ incubators.

  • Free to download
  • Manage all Planer incubators at a single point
  • Real time graphical display of each incubator’s performance
  • Display alerts and manage alarm notifications for any incubator connected to the system
  • Electronic dish labelling

Planer Incubator Management Software (PIMS) operates as both the full control interface for a single or multiple CT37stax™ incubators but also can be used as a management system for Planer BT37 units.

The intuitive suite provides the convenience of controlling multiple CT37stax™ units as well monitoring key parameters of multiple BT37 units from single or multiple PCs anywhere in the laboratory.

The PIMS system is suitable for 21 CFR Part 11 compliance and fully password protected, logging actions taken by each authorised user for audit reports.

The PIMS system will alert users of any out of range alarm conditions triggered by any Planer incubator connected to the network. It allows users to acknowledge and silence alarms giving them time to visit the incubator to correct the alarm condition.

Electronic location information for each sample can be recorded via the PIMS application to assist users to easily locate specific samples and ensure they are returned back to the same location.

PIMS can graphically display real time information for each incubator connected to the system and provide full audit reports.

Planer Limited

110 Windmill Road
TW16 7HD
United Kingdom

+44 1932 755000
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