The Award-Winning Innovative Fusion Was Designed to Provide Improved Security and Performance in Challenging Environments. It is the World’s First and Only Self-Sustaining Cryogenic Freezer.

Self-sustaining means the Fusion operates as a stand-alone unit and requires no on-going liquid nitrogen supply or connection to an external source. This makes it perfect for locations with limited access to liquid nitrogen delivery, remote geographical locals, isolated rooms, high elevation facilities and those with little or no vacuum jacketed pipe infrastructure.

Using MVE's patented Qdrive cryo-cooler technology, the Fusion provides constant, reliable cold storage in the tank. Dry storage helps reduce the potential of cross contamination by eliminating the liquid nitrogen variable, further protecting your valuable samples.

The high-quality construction of MVE’s stainless steel tanks provide secure storage, extended hold times, and ergonomic lift-over heights. The MVE Fusion provides all these, without requiring constant LN2 supply.


Principal Features

  • Capacity for up to 31,200 1.2/2ml vials.
  • Secure for 7 to 10 days hold time in the event of a power outage
  • Low energy consumption
  • Eliminates need for vacuum piping and constant LN2 supply
  • Lowest liftover height and ergonomic design
  • Two tier folding step
  • 2 year warranty on parts
  • 5 year warranty on vacuum


MVE Fusion Specifications
1.2 & 2mm Vials 31,200
Large Racks (100 cell boxes) 20
Mini Racks (25 cell boxes) 16
No. of Stages per Rack 13
LN2 Capacity (litres) 50


Additional Specifications
Blood Bag Capacities Total Bags
No. of Frames
1.2 & 2mm Vials 2296 7 328
Large Racks (100 cell boxes) 1484 7 212
Mini Racks (25 cell boxes) 752 4 188
Shelves per Rack 592 4 148
LN2 Capacity (w/o inventory) (litres) 416 4 104

Planer Limited

110 Windmill Road
TW16 7HD
United Kingdom

+44 1932 755000
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