(for IVOS II and CEROS II only - cannot be used on legacy hardware systems)

Easy to Learn, Easy to Use

  • You don’t need to be a computer expert to analyse sperm with the IVOS or CEROS.
  • Intuitive software interface makes operation easy.
  • Up to 7 analysis setups (including optic calibrations) may be stored to memory and selected at the touch of a button.
  • Sample information and patient/animal details are easily entered from keyboard.
  • Simply place the sample chamber on the stage, focus the image, select the fields, and begin analysis.
  • On-site customized installation and training provided with all new systems.

Proven & Trusted

With the proven performance of our sperm analysers and our respected standing in the industry, you can trust in both your sperm analysis results and our dedication to your success. To meet your specific needs, we offer two analyser models, the IVOS® and the CEROS™.

The Version 14 software provides:

  • Accurate, objective and repeatable results
  • Rapid analysis - 1/2 second per analysis field (30 frames @ 60Hz)
  • 4-level quality control
  • Labour savings
  • High level data security

Detailed analysis results include:

  • Counts & Concentrations
  • Motility & Progressive Motility
  • W.H.O. Comparisons (or standard comparisons for non-human software)
  • 3 Velocity Measurements, VAP, VSL, and VCL, plus additional motion measurements of LIN, ALH, STR, and BCF

Built-in Quality Control for Analysis Accuracy

View PLAYBACK to confirm motile and static sperm identification. Color-coded tracks indicate progressive, motile, and slow sperm, while red dots identify static sperm. The interactive QC Plots provide 3 levels of quality control for static sperm identification. Immediately recalculate last analysis with new settings, without losing captured fields.

Features to Help You Manage Data

Our software features several tools for data management:

  • HT inScribe™: Report designer and manager allows creation of unlimited professional reports including analysis results, sample/patient/animal information and images.
  • HDATA ASCII Export: Transfer summary data and/or individual track data to spreadsheet, database, or other ASCII-compatible programs
  • Clinical Filing System: Design three one-page custom reports and store all analysis reports as computer files
  • Digital Image Storage: Store exact fields analysed to hard drive, CD or DVD. Retrieve and reanalyse stored analysis fields
  • HT Video Converter: Quickly and easily converts saved digital images from HT’s proprietary format into AVI or WMV files, readable by common programs

More Power for Your Sperm Analysis

Research Software

  • Edit Tracks: View and store detailed data for individual sperm tracks. Also used for validation procedures
  • Sort: Study specific subpopulations of sperm. Determines fraction of cells within user-specified limits

Morphology Options

  • Dimensions Strict Morphology (human): The only validated program to classify sperm according to STRICT criteria
  • Metrix User-Defined Morphology (multispecies): Learns and applies your definitions of normal and abnormal sperm
  • Real-Time Morphology: A real-time method of visually scoring gross morphology of unstained sperm (subjective)

Fluorescent Options

IDENT Fluorescence (IVOS only)
The only CASA system with strobed xenon Illumination for sperm-safe motility
Highest precision in sperm counting
IDENT Stain permeates all sperm cells
Analysis of both motile and static cells under xenon fluorescence
VIADENT Software
Requires IDENT Fluorescence
Performs motility and viability on the same LIVE sample
VIADENT Stain permeates only non-viable cells
Motility analysis performed under standard illumination and viability analysis under xenon fluorescence

Additional Features from Legacy Version

  • Easily switch between W.H.O. 4 and W.H.O. 5 comparisons
  • Completely redesigned graphical user interface based on standard Windows® conventions
  • Language localization - available in English, Russian, Chinese and Spanish (with more language translations to follow)
  • High speed digital camera provides excellent image quality and allows seamless image capture and playback
  • Color-coded, interactive illumination setting for best accuracy in sperm head and tail identification
  • Thumbnail image gallery of all fields analysed, with ability view video playback of every field analysed and to remove selected fields from the analysis
  • Additional kinematic outputs: Distance of Average Path (DAP), Straight Line Distance (DSL), Curvilinear Distance (DCL) and Wobble (WOB)
  • View summary, field and individual cell results alongside the analysed image
  • Data input and results tabs
  • Option to turn on/off field and cell results, motility overlay and morphometry overlay
  • Built-in database with customized reports (report designer optional)
  • Unlimited storage of pre-defined analysis setups

Interactive Illumination Check

Human Motility II software features the unique color-coded Illumination Check to optimize identification of the sperm head and sperm tail. This feature removes any guess work in setting the illumination and promotes consistency between all users. When the microscope illumination is set correctly, the sperm heads will show a blue colour and tails will be red.

Screen Layout

  1. Controls for initiating analysis, checking illumination, saving, printing and clearing data, and opening saved video files.
  2. Quick selection of analysis setup to be used and access to various system hardware and software settings
  3. Collapsible menu panels for input Analysis Info, Dosing and Adjustments, and Summary and Kinematic Results, updated in real-time.
  4. Live image area, display of Calibration Check, full screen playback images, and zoomed individual cell images.
  5. Thumbnail gallery for storage of captured video images, which may be played back individually for quality control.

Analysis Results

Real-time Updating

Analysis and Dosing results are updated in real-time as each field is added to the analysis. Data in the Results panel on the right side of the screen reflect the entire population of cells analysed.

Full Field Playback

Selecting a thumbnail image from the gallery opens the captured video. The video may be replayed in full or you may scroll through frame by frame. The results along the left side of the image represent only the analysis data of selected field. The colour-overlays on the playback image and the results may be turned on or off.

Zoom Cell Playback

Selecting a track from the playback image opens up a zoomed image of the cell. The Kinematic Measures shown on the left are relative only to the selected track. The video may be played or scrolled through frame by frame. You may jump to a specific frame by selecting a point on the track or the associated data points. Both motile and static cells may be selected.

WHO 4 and WHO 5 Results

Easily select to view WHO 4 or WHO 5 results.


Report Viewer

The Animal Motility II software includes the ability to view custom designed reports. The system will come with several pre-designed reports.

Report Designer

The optional Report Designer permits customization of the pre-designed forms or creation of entirely new forms. The user-friendly, “drag and drop” designer gives you complete control over the look and content of the report. Any input or output data may be added to the report. Free-form fields also allow the inclusion of non-analysis data such as contact information or company logo.

Analysis Output


Total, Static, Motile, Progressive, Slow
(Choice of billion or million)


Total, Static, Motile, Progressive, Slow
(Choice of billons/ml or millions/ml)


%Total, %Static, %Motile, %Progressive, %Slow

Sperm per gram of Cauda

Kinematic Measures:

(Average, SD, Median)

Morph Averages:

Head Length, Head Width
Head Perimeter, Head Area
Tail Length, Tail Straightness
Droplet Distance, Droplet Frame Count
Bent Tail Count, Coiled Tail Count,
DMR Count

Planer Limited

110 Windmill Road
TW16 7HD
United Kingdom

+44 1932 755000
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