IVF racking

Liquid nitrogen embryo and sperm storage in straws, vials and goblets

In practice many of the IVF laboratories use lots of aluminium vessels, which uses up a lot of the available space. They are filled by hand with all the related risks for the samples and staff and may have no level temperature alarms on the vessels for monitoring their samples.

Also this is a very conservative world and many users only believe in storing in liquid nitrogen as being the only save option temperature wise. Nowadays there is more trust in the automatic filling and temperature control. Floor space becomes an issue too as well as cost.

The aluminium vessels provide a high level of security while maintaining sample integrity in specialised applications such as medical and biological specimens: cells, cord blood, bone marrow, embryos, botanical matter, semen, oocytes, seeds, skin, ovarian tissues, heart valves, blood vessels and other.

These racks are suitable for LN2 temperatures and are designed to hold embryo and semen samples in straws, vials and goblets.

They are constructed of high quality aluminium and they provide convenient storage for the samples in a safe environment.



  • Background +

    Storing in 'dry' gas phase is safe nowadays and can be done at room temperature close to liquid nitrogen.

    Handling samples can be a risk for staff, but using the inventory system for the 'dry' gas phase they can manipulate inside the vessel the samples while the vessel neck can be easily accessible.

    The system works with racks with two level boxes in the rack which can be lifted with the supplied lifting handle.

    The handle hooks to the pin in the middle of the box so users can lift and still have access to the samples. If the bottom box from a rack is needed, the top box is simply placed on one of the other racks to gain access to the bottom box.

  • Benefits +

    • The racks are easy to manipulate
    • The samples don't have to leave the cold vessel (-190°C), even if you need a box from the bottom levels
    • The samples are accessible when retrieving the boxes
    • It is used in human IVF but also by animal test facilities for mouse embryos and can be used by other users as well
    • User customisation for boxes is also available
  • Features +

    Visotubes 10/12mm

    There are several different visotubes sizes available. The vessel can hold 42 boxes in total, two layers of two.

    The boxes can be in different sizes: 8x8 for 2.688 visotubes, 9x9 for 3.402 visotubes  or 10x10 for 4.200 visotubes, 4x4  special for goblets 67/70mm.

    Special racks and combinations are also possible, but the number of straws per visotubes /goblets depends on user requirements.


    Goblets 65mm

    Thanks to a better inventory system for the 'dry' gas phase, the samples can be manipulated inside and can be transferred from one canister to other.

    The assurance that your storage even in 'dry' gas phase is secure, it is quick and easy to access your samples and the transfer of visotubes and goblets from one to another is also possible.

  • Visotubes storage +

    Large capacity straws storage for large capacity narrow necked vessels

    'Dry' Gas Phase storage of straws in visotubes/goblets

    Planer now offer a new, unique way of storing visotubes/goblets in LN2 storage tanks. Our racking solution splits the tanks into two levels - top and bottom which means you can remove the bottom samples without exposing the top layer to ambient temperature.

    The tank is split into 4 sections, with the top layer having 3 sections so you can access the bottom layer by rotating the sections. 2 retrieval sticks are also provided so you can pick up the racks and then rest them inside the tank so you can work on the samples whilst they are still in the tank under vapour conditions - this reduces the risk of warming the samples due to the small thermal mass associated with straw storage and the short thawing times.

    There is also another accessory provided allowing you to work on a few samples at a time - larger 35mm goblets.

    This racking can be customised to your needs, and we also offer grids, platforms, and can number all of the racks for easy identification.

    IVF visotubes

  • Goblets storage +

    Large capacity goblet storage for Embryo and Semen in Liquid Nitrogen vessels (MVE Chart, Taylor Wharton, Air Liquide, plus any other manufacturer)

    Planer offer a new, unique canister (available in any height /number of layers) to store your daisy goblets in LN2 tanks.

    Rather than using the old fashioned lifters, and exposing your top goblets to ambient temperature whilst retrieving the bottom ones, the new twistable canisters allow you to access the goblet you need by only opening the section of the canister required.

    It can be purchased as a 2 level high (for example Chart MVE XC47-11 tanks), or up to 5 level high for the larger stainless steel tanks.

    These are fully customisable with grids, platforms, and number all of the racks so you can identify them easily.

    IVF goblets

  • Downloads +

  • 1

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The Planer Cryogenic Storage range is offered to the international market. 

Please contact us to get further information.

IVF Racking Downloads

Planer Limited

110 Windmill Road
TW16 7HD
United Kingdom

+44 1932 755000
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