
  • Compatible with all brands of tanks
  • Compatible with ReAssure
  • Allows one fill all fill between different tanks
  • Touchscreen
  • Log data from controller

CryoFillThe CryoFill controls and monitors the liquid nitrogen level with in a cryogenic storage vessel. One of the unique features of the CryoFill is that it has multiple measurement techniques, so it can be combined within almost every storage vessel on the market. 

In the world of cryogenic controllers and filling units th ere are two industry standards for measuring the liquid nitrogen level . The simple ' four point l evel sensor' or ‘pressure differe ntial measurement'. They each have advantages and disadvantages. 

New automatic filling controller has been developed for biological storage vessels which can operate with both standards.



The status, settings, events and alarms of the controller are displayed on a TFT touchscreen display and are very easy to read. The alarm is displayed in a different colour on the TFT display for easy recognition and an audible alarm ca n also sound. The user interface of the controller is very user friendly and information is easily accessible and readable.

The controller can be used for the biological storage in liquid nitrogen, conventional gas phase and / or in the so called “Dry” gas phase with an absolute separation between the samples and liquid nitrogen. It can also be easily retrofitted to existing biological storage vessels of any brand or type.

New feature added to CryoFill Universal Controller

A new feature has recently been added to the CryoFill Universal controller for cryogenic storage tanks and vessels. This new feature allows users to set a high temperature alarm setting which when activated the controller initiates a controlled injection of liquid nitrogen (LN2) into the vessel by-passing the purge and gas bypass sequence .

Doing this will momentarily increase LN2 evaporation which in turn lowers the temperature in the top of the vessel which is especially helpful when the lid is open for a longer time period.

This additional feature is expected to be especially helpful when working with wide neck vessels and you are searching for samples.

This feature is a user accessible setting which can be enabled and disabled in the menus of the CryoFill using the touch screen. The user can also set the temperature limit that triggers this feature.

For safety reasons this new feature will not operate, even if enabled, when the LN2 level in the vessel is already too high.

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