pH Validation Without the Fuss

Culture environment and incubator conditions are critical to the success of IVF clinics and many laboratories. Accurate pH measurement, inside incubators, has been difficult to achieve and the alternative, CO2 monitoring, is expensive and cumbersome.

Validate pH and/or CO2 in a variety of equipment with the latest monitoring innovation from Planer. This new sensor provides accurate measurements in benchtop incubators, environmental chambers and large incubators.

The new PetriSense®ST pH/CO2 sensor from Planer allows users to measure both CO2 and monitor the pH of established culture systems. The small sensor size (equivalent to a 35mm petri dish) combined with an ultra thin ribbon cable allows convenient measurement of CO2 levels in benchtop incubators, environmental chambers and large incubators, without interrupting the working of the laboratory.


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TW16 7HD
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+44 1932 755000
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