Based outside Moscow, the Federal State Scientific Institute Chumakov produces many vaccines, such as for tick-borne encephalitis, Measles, Rabies, Yellow fever, Canine distemper and more. And our distributor Cryogentech recently installed a freezer there for the controlled rate freezing of bacteria. The Institute is a leading one on a world stage. Back in 1988, it joined the World Health Organization Program for Poliomyelitis eradication worldwide and by 2002 Russia was certified free of the polio virus. During just one generation the eradication of an infectious disease – Polio (infantile paralysis) - had been successfully carried out.
This state scientific institution (FSUE) named Chumakov after the vaccine pioneer scientist (pictured here), who gave so much of his life to it, was established in 1957 as a part of the USSR Institute for the Study of Poliomyelitis. Its aims were to specialise in monitored quality production of Polio vaccine to supply the then USSR and other countries with anti-viral medication for mass immunisation. The production facilities have since been renovated and re-equipped and brought to international GMP standards. This has reaped rewards and in April 2009, the WHO certified the Yellow Fever vaccine production and put FSUE on the list of the four global manufacturers of this vaccine.
Current staff at the enterprise number about 350 employees and the company's activities have been rewarded with numerous international, national and regional awards.
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